Monday, April 14, 2008

My New Favorite Actress

Through a series of internet rabbit trails (which started from a post about "blogger night" at Dodger stadium - to a visit by Alyssa Milano), I have determined that Alyssa Milano is my new favorite actress. She loves baseball and writes about it (I'm going to assume that she is the one writing her blog). She will replace Natalie Portman effective immediately at the top of my favorite actresses list. "Who's the Boss?" was a fine show, so she's got that going for her as well.


Plank said...

who's the goober with milano?

Anonymous said...

Alyssa is quite the baseball fan - I think she's dated Carl Pavano, and Brad Penny, and another player I can't remember (a player to be named later?)

I'm happy with your choice.

Trevor said...

That goober is her brother. Must be hard being brothers.

Anonymous said...

Travis has always had a secret crush for Sam!!!!!