Monday, April 7, 2008

The Extra Mile

We had a garage sale this past weekend. I put my CD collection up for sale and sold 100 crap CD's from the 90's mostly. I priced them at $1 each and was surprised at how many I sold. When I was going through the CD's, dusting off the cases, I came across a case for which I had no CD. There were several of these, most of which I could reasonably account for where the disc had vanished. Some had been given away, some were ganked by friends and some were thrown out the window in Chattanooga, TN for one reason or another, but one CD could not be accounted for...

This CD defines a generation of "totally awesome" Christian music. I think I bought this while at a Dawson McAllister student conference at Carpenter's Home Church. Then, I think our youth choir did the musical that went with this CD. Do they still have musicals for youth choirs? Because if they don't, a generation of kids are missing out.

So if you've seen my Al Denson CD could you please let me know? Or if you have it and can burn me a copy, that would be great. I don't know if I can make it through the day without some "Call Me" or "That's What my Father Would Do."


Anonymous said...

That indeed is a must have.......what a great album!!!! maybe you should hit some serious garage sales and see if someone is selling it for a dollar!!! :) What a steal that would be!

Plank said...

Bet he wishes he could have that picture back.

the cd that was thrown from the window of a moving vehicle in Chattanooga was a burned cd, and i bet you don't even remember what was on it.

Trevor said...

You're right, I don't remember what was on the CD.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


Remember "Solid as the Rock"? It was, of course, composed by the legendary Dennis and Nan Allen (, and is still available here:

When I was in youth choir, I think we sang every song out of this book. We also performed classic youth musicals such as "Room 77" and "The Basics of Life", which was still being performed as recently as 2002:

"• PINEVILLE - Pineville Park church: His Song Players, youth music/drama team, presents "The Basics of Life," May 12, 6 p.m.; Grant Bennett, minister to youth; Gregory R. Carroll, pastor."